8 Replies to “Suggestions & Feedback (Click to add)”

  1. really useful site .. could their possibly be a list of what competitions/format the 9 holers are playing in a Tuesday please? Am sure some of them would appreciate it and check it if they can but would also be useful for others to know and to refer to if one of the 9 holers asks us! thanks

  2. Can I suggest that the ladies are reminded about the Summer eclectic competition? I appreciate that in the ‘handbook’ it says it starts on 1st April but I believe that this year, due to Covid restrictions it starts on 12th April. As it is a new competition many ladies do not know about it. Bernie

  3. Hi Bernie, thanks for viewing the website and leaving your suggestion. I have reminded ladies in my recent notices. I will try and remember to mention it again. We do need a winner for your lovely trophy this year.

  4. Hi Jane

    I find this really useful and hope others do too.

    Just in case you missed it before, please can there be a 9 hole notice board so that we can see what they are supposed to be playing as will really help me and others who are trying to help them, and save us having to keeping asking Denise or yourself?

    Also how long is the summer eclectic running for please?!!

    Can you also possibly mention the Saturday/weekend what’s app group which Ellen administers as a great way if one wants a game anytime at weekend or if one has a space in a group at last minute etc. Lots of games have been arranged via it recently and it’s a mix of 7 day members!

    Thanks as ever

  5. Hi Karen

    I will put something on about 9 hole ladies competitions. I understand the golf club are now going to be doing the cards for those ladies to help with the new handicap system

    Summer Eclectic will run until the end of September.

    I don’t know anything about Ellen’s WhatsApp group. I feel it is not my responsibility to organise Saturday social golf. If it is Ellen’s WhatsApp group she can ask me to mention it in a notice and I am happy to do that, but it. has to come from her.

  6. all fine thanks!

    Really useful web site again as managed to find all I needed to help two 9 holers work out Playing handicaps for 4 Bbb competition this week (did ask in pro shop first but they were not sure how to do.)
    Thanks again for setting up and updating.

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